Sunday, December 1, 2013

Laws/Regulations of Shipping Technology

Here is a link that goes over every possible detail of what can be shipped, how it can be shipped and what it has to go through before actually getting into the country:
I'm going to summarize the most important part which is the shipping of technology. Certain technologies give off radiation such as TVs, microwaves, cellphones, etc. Because of this the Food and Drug Administration require both parties, the people sending the technology and those receiving the technology, to file a form called the FDA 2877. This form is required for technologies manufacture in the United States and shipped into the United States. This document doesn't only focus on technology, it focuses on everything that can be shipped into the United States and what importers and exporters need to do in order for everything to run smoothly.

Sarah Silver

United States. Customs and Border Protection. Importing into the United States: A Guide for Commercial Importers. 2003. Web.

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