Monday, November 11, 2013

The Dirty Game of Planned Obsolescence

We all love the new, improved, and snazzy technology that comes out every week. We have to have it. Many older models are running slower than snails pace and it's just that easy to buy a new one for the same price as replacing the battery. Plus, you get the new design and keep with the trends. However, big companies have us trapped in a dirty game where they have the upper hand. Planned obsolescence, when technology is designed to fail.

Here are a couple really good news articles that showcase the issue of planned obsolescence and how big companies like Apple have us right where they want us - continuously buying new phones.

Apples recent phone - now a failure.

What do we do about this? Is there any way to stop the vicious cycle we are stuck in? Of course! Check out one persons plan for a better future for electronics and phones! Phonebloks - build your phone the way you want, personalized, by combining lego like design to battery, camera, or data storage. When something fails just replace one part, not the whole thing.

CHECK OUT this awesome design here: Phone Bloks

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