Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground

Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground
This video encompasses most if not all of the impacts that e-waste has on developing countries, when we think its all being recycled. It tells a story of the people in Ghana that are stuck in a place where all they see, breathe and live within is techno trash. It is a very sad documentary, but it is also very real. It is a harsh realization of what impacts our old technologies have on children's development, adult workers, the environment, even the safety of our sacred pictures, documents, and important information that we thought we "got rid of". What I found particularly interesting was when it talked about the government documents getting into the wrong hands, and just how easy it was to do so.  I think everyone should see this video because it truly is something that at least I never considered happened to the things I threw out. Americans and really everyone who owns technology should be aware of all of the negative affects that we have on other people's lives.

"Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground." Youtube. Youtube:PBS, 4 Dec. 2011. Web. Nov. 2013. <>.

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